Focus is so important because it is the gateway to all thinking: perception, memory, learning, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. Without good focus, all aspects of your ability to think will suffer. Here's a simple reality: if you can't focus effectively, you can't think effectively. ~huffpostMany years ago, we heard a preacher make this statement and not only has it stuck with us, but it is has become a founding business principle of our studio. What is that statement?“Don’t let the good rob you of the great.”In other words, yes, you may have a lot of good ideas, but we say NO to good ideas every day in order to focus on the GREAT IDEAS! It is a matter of time, energy and focus for us and it is critical to success or failure.Harry Beckwith, author of The Invisible Touch, Selling the Invisible, What Clients Want and You, Inc., says this, “Narrow your focus to broaden your appeal.” Never has a statement been more true, especially today.Scott McKain calls this idea TUF which means “The Ultimate Few.”Out of all the good things you can do, what are the great things? There is power in staying incredibly focused.“Most business owners think they are have a narrow focus but if you look closely you will realize that most often than not, they would be trying to float a lot of boats. They would justify this as “good business” or “mitigating risk”. In a way it makes sense – you would want to increase the chances of sales and revenue by offering as many options/products/services as you can. But hard as it may be to believe, focusing on a single product/service or at least a category, is the best way to ensure success.” ~SpellbrandIn our digital photography universe, making fewer decisions on what to do is hard if not next to impossible. Products that can now be offered nearly drown us in their sheer numbers. Ways we can process a file are endless as are the hours we spend sitting in front of our computers!We have found a systemic problem when privately coaching other photographers...THEY DO TOO MUCH-THEY OFFER TOO MUCH-THEY HAVE WATERED DOWN THEIR BUSINESS-THEY ARE TIRED-AND THEY ARE FRUSTRATED!Our advice...prune what is not working or not optimal for you.Yes, you may have had an idea you wanted to try, but is it working? Is it profitable? Remove it if not!Narrowed focus! Clarity! Appealing...all are absolutely critical to success. |